Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing

Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear
Programming in Cloud Computing
                             Cloud Computing has great potential of providing robust computational power to the society at reduced cost. It enables customers with limited computational resources to outsource their large computation workloads to the cloud, and economically enjoy the massive computational power, bandwidth, storage, and even appropriate software that can be shared in a pay-per-use manner. Despite the tremendous benefits, security is the primary obstacle that prevents the wide adoption of this promising computing model, especially for customers when their confidential data are consumed and produced during the computation. Treating the cloud as an intrinsically insecure computing platform from the viewpoint of the cloud customers, we must design mechanisms that not only protect sensitive information by enabling computations with encrypted data, but also protect customers from malicious behaviors by enabling the validation of the computation result. Such a mechanism of general secure computation outsourcing was recently shown to be feasible in theory, but to design mechanisms that are practically efficient remains a very challenging problem. Focusing on engineering computing and optimization tasks, this paper investigates secure outsourcing of widely applicable linear programming (LP) computations. In order to achieve practical efficiency, our mechanism design explicitly decomposes the LP computation outsourcing into public LP solvers running on the cloud and private LP parameters owned by the customer. The resulting flexibility allows us to explore appropriate security efficiency tradeoff via higher-level abstraction of LP computations than the general circuit representation. In particular, by formulating private data owned by the customer for LP problem as a set of matrices and vectors, we are able to develop a set of efficient privacy-preserving problem transformation techniques, which allow customers to transform original LP problem into some arbitrary one while protecting sensitive input/output information. To validate the computation result, we further explore the fundamental duality theorem of LP computation and derive the necessary and sufficient conditions that correct result must satisfy. Such result verification mechanism is extremely efficient and incurs close-to-zero additional cost on both cloud server and customers.
Existing System:
                 We first formulate private data owned by the customer for LP problem as a set of matrices and vectors. This higher level representation allows us to apply a set of efficient privacy-preserving problem transformation techniques, including matrix multiplication and affine mapping, to transform the original LP problem into some arbitrary one while protecting the sensitive input/output information. One crucial benefit of this higher level problem transformation method is that existing algorithms and tools for LP solvers can be directly reused by the cloud server. Although the generic mechanism defined at circuit level, can even allow the customer to hide the fact that the outsourced computation is LP, we believe imposing this more stringent security measure than necessary would greatly affect the efficiency. To validate the computation result, we utilize the fact that the result is from cloud server solving the transformed LP problem.
We consider a computation outsourcing architecture involving two different entities, as illustrated. The cloud customer, who has large amount of computationally expensive LP problems to be outsourced to the cloud; the cloud server (CS), which has significant computation resources and provides utility computing services, such as hosting the public LP solvers in a pay-per-use manner.
Proposed System:
                       This section presents our LP outsourcing scheme which provides a complete outsourcing solution for – not only the privacy protection of problem input/output, but also its efficient result checking. We start from an overview of secure LP outsourcing design framework and discuss a few basic techniques and their demerits, which leads to a stronger problem transformation design utilizing affine mapping. We then discuss effective result verification by leveraging the duality property of LP.

            One fundamental advantage of the cloud paradigm is computation outsourcing, where the computational power of cloud customers is no longer limited by their resource-constraint devices. By outsourcing the workloads into the cloud, customers could enjoy the literally unlimited computing resources in a pay-per-use manner without committing any large capital outlays in the purchase of both hardware and software and/or the operational overhead therein.

Hardware Requirements
·         System                            :       Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
·         Hard Disk                       :       40 GB.
·         Floppy Drive                   :       1.44 Mb.
·         Monitor                           :       15 VGA Color.
·         Mouse                             :       Logitech.
·         Ram                                 :       512 MB.

 Software Requirements  
·               Operating System                   :             Windows xp , Linux
·                Language                                :            Java1.4 or more
·         Technology                              :            Swing, AWT
·         Back End                                        :          NO Data Bases   

Module Description
      1. Mechanism Design Framework
      2. Basic Techniques
      3. Enhanced Techniques via Affine Mapping
      4. Result Verification
Mechanism Design Framework:
We propose to apply problem transformation for mechanism design. The general framework is adopted from a generic approach, while our instantiation is completely different and novel. In this framework, the process on cloud server can be represented by algorithm ProofGen and the process on customer can be organized into three algorithms (KeyGen, ProbEnc, ResultDec). These four algorithms are summarized below and will be instantiated later.
• KeyGen(1k) → {K}. This is a randomized key generation algorithm which takes a system security parameter k, and returns a secret key K that is used later by customer to encrypt the target LP problem.
• ProbEnc(K,_) → {_K}. This algorithm encrypts the input tuple _ into _K with the secret key K. According to problem transformation, the encrypted input _K has the same form as _, and thus defines the problem to be solved in the cloud.
• ProofGen(_K) → {(y, ��)}. This algorithm augments a generic solver that solves the problem _K to produce both the output y and a proof ��. The output y later
decrypts to x, and �� is used later by the customer to verify the correctness of y or x.

• ResultDec(K,_, y, ��) → {x,}. This algorithm may choose to verify either y or x via the proof ��. In any case, a correct output x is produced by decrypting y using the secret K. The algorithm outputs when the validation fails, indicating the cloud server was not performing the computation faithfully.
Basic Techniques
            Before presenting the details of our proposed mechanism, we study in this subsection a few basic techniques and show that the input encryption based on these techniques along may result in an unsatisfactory mechanism. However, the analysis will give insights on how a stronger mechanism should be designed. Note that to simplify the presentation, we assume that the cloud server honestly performs the computation, and defer the discussion on soundness to a later section.
1) Hiding equality constraints (A, b): First of all, a randomly generated m × m non-singular matrix Q can be part of the secret key K. The customer can apply the matrix to Eq. (2) for the following constraints transformation, Ax = b A′x = b′
where A′ = QA and b′ = Qb.
Enhanced Techniques via Affine Mapping
        To enhance the security strength of LP outsourcing, we must be able to change the feasible region of original LP and at the same time hide output vector x during the problem input encryption. We propose to encrypt the feasible region of _ by applying an affine mapping on the decision variables x. This design principle is based on the following observation: ideally, if we can arbitrarily transform the feasible area of problem _ from one vector space to another and keep the mapping
function as the secret key, there is no way for cloud server to learn the original feasible area information. Further, such a linear mapping also serves the important purpose of output hiding.
Result Verification
                              Till now, we have been assuming the server is honestly performing the computation, while being interested learning information of original LP problem. However, such semihonest model is not strong enough to capture the adversary behaviors in the real world. In many cases, especially when the computation on the cloud requires a huge amount of computing resources, there exists strong financial incentives for the cloud server to be “lazy”. They might either be not willing to commit service-level-agreed computing resources to save cost, or even be malicious just to sabotage any following up computation at the customers. Since the cloud server promises to solve the LP problem _K = (A′,B′, b′, c′), we propose to solve the result verification problem by designing a method to verify the correctness of the solution y of _K. The soundness condition would be a corollary thereafter when we present the whole mechanism in the next section. Note that
in our design, the workload required for customers on the result verification is substantially cheaper than solving the LP problem on their own, which ensures the great computation savings for secure LP outsourcing.
The LP problem does not necessarily have an optimal solution. There are three cases as follows.
Normal: There is an optimal solution with finite objective value.
Infeasible: The constraints cannot be all satisfied at the same time.
Unbounded: For the standard form in Eq. (1), the objective function can be arbitrarily small while the constraints are all satisfied.


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