Empirical Studies of Pair Programming For CS/SE Teaching in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review

Empirical Studies of Pair Programming
For CS/SE Teaching in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review
The objective of this paper is to present the current evidence relative to the effectiveness of pair programming (PP) as a pedagogical tool in higher education CS/SE courses. We performed a systematic literature review (SLR) of empirical studies that investigated factors affecting the effectiveness of PP for CS/SE students and studies that measured the effectiveness of PP for CS/SE students. Seventy-four papers were used in our synthesis of evidence, and 14 compatibility factors that can potentially affect PP’s effectiveness as a pedagogical tool were identified. Results showed that students’ skill level was the factor that affected PP’s effectiveness the most. The most common measure used to gauge PP’s effectiveness was time spent on programming. In addition, students’ satisfaction when using PP was overall higher than when working solo. Our meta-analyses showed that PP was effective in improving students’ grades on assignments. Finally, in the studies that used quality as a measure of effectiveness, the number of test cases succeeded, academic performance, and expert opinion were the quality measures mostly applied. The results of this SLR show two clear gaps in this research field: 1) a lack of studies focusing on pair compatibility factors aimed at making PP an effective pedagogical tool and 2) a lack of studies investigating PP for software design/modeling tasks in conjunction with programming tasks.

Existing System:

Ø In the existing system PP as a pedagogical tool focused mainly on its ability to benefit students in terms of productivity and quality of work produced.
Ø  In the existing system PP could enhance enjoyment increase students’ confidence level, reduce workload, improve course completion rate, increase homework submission rate, improve exam performance and facilitate working more efficiently on programming tasks.
Ø In the existing system PP offers significant benefits such as improving design quality (fewer defects), team communication, and rapid solutions to problems, enhancing the learning process, and increasing enjoyment in learning.
Ø In the existing system the meta analysis suggested that pp is more effective than sole programming.
Proposed System:
Ø In the proposed system we describe an SLR targeted at empirical studies of PP’s effectiveness and/or pair compatibility conducted in higher education settings.
Ø  A total of 74 primary studies were used in our SLR, from which 14 compatibility factors potentially affecting PP’s effectiveness were identified.
Ø The objective of this paper is to present the current evidence relative to the effectiveness of pair programming (PP) as a pedagogical tool in higher education CS/SE courses.
Ø The results of SLR show two clear gaps in this research field: 1) A lack of studies focusing on pair compatibility factors aimed at making PP an effective pedagogical tool and 2) A lack of studies investigating PP for software design/modeling tasks in conjunction with programming tasks.
Ø PP studies that investigated actual and perceived skill levels achieved a consensus suggesting that students prefer to pair with someone of similar skills to themselves. Results also showed that a pair works well when both students have similar abilities and motivation to succeed in a course.
Ø We also found out that the metric used most often to measure pair productivity was the time spent in completing the tasks
Ø We also discussed a number of implications of the SLR results for research and practice, including the need to replicate PP studies in areas where findings were inconsistent, or to conduct studies in areas where there is scarcity of or no evidence regarding the effect of certain compatibility factors toward PP’s effectiveness as a pedagogical tool.

Generic Technology Keywords: Database, User Interface, Programming
Specific Technology Keywords: C#.Net, ASP.Net, MS SqlServer-08
Project Keywords: Presentation, Business Object, Data Access Layer, Database
SDLC Keywords: Analysis, Design, Code, Testing, Implementation, Maintenance
Operating System
Windows 2000 & XP
Processor (with Speed)
Intel  Pentium IV (3.0 GHz) and Upwards
Hard Disk Size
40 GB and above
15’ CRT
Microsoft Visual Studio
.Net Framework 4.0
Front End
Asp.net, html
Back End
SQL Server 2008


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